Study in Jiangxi Agricultural University About Jiangxi Agricultural University & Study in jxau

About Jiangxi Agricultural University

Known for its biological technology and agricultural science, Jiangxi Agricultural University has a wide offering of programs ranging from natural science and agriculture to economics, management, humanities and law. The University not only is one of the first schools to be entitled to award both Bachelor and Master degrees, but also is qualified to award Doctor Degree. Jiangxi Agricultural University is ideally located in the Nanchang Economic and Technological Development Zone with a campus area of 263.3 hectares, which is called a garden-like campus with beautiful surroundings and peaceful air.

At present, Jiangxi Agricultural University has more than 26,000 full-time students enrolled in its 17 different schools: Agronomy, Gardening and Landscape design, Animal Science and Technology, Engineering, Economics and Trade, Computer Science, Environmental and Land Resource Management, Science, Humanities and Public Administration, Food Science and Engineering, Vocational Education and Technology, Software Design, Biology science and engineering, Foreign Languages, Marxism(Political science), Nanchang Commerce, and Adult Education. Now there are 62 specialties for undergraduates, 19 master degree educating bases and 3 Doctoral degree educating bases and 1 mobile center for post-doctoral research. 

Jiangxi Agricultural University is both well staffed and well equipped to educate a modern generation of students. Currently, there are over 1,500 full-time personnel employed by the main campus of the university in both teaching and research, of which there are 1 academician of CAS, 111 full professors, 396 associate professors and 220 doctors. 

Jiangxi Agricultural University is one of the first institutions in Jiangxi Province to open up to foreign countries, qualifying as a Grade A1 Unit for employing overseas experts and being licensed to enroll overseas students. The university began to admit overseas students in the 1980s, and since then more and more overseas students have studied in the university. At present there are master and doctoral students in the university. Jiangxi Agricultural University has been actively involved in international academic exchanges and has established close relationships with many universities and research institutions in countries such as the United States, Holland, Britain, Japan, Australia, Russia, and Canada. Experts and scholars from nearly 100 countries and regions have made a total of over10000 visits to the university.

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